UPDATE – Zim Kingston – Loss of Containers & Fire – GA Declared



Incident Date:    23rd October 2021

Vessel:                ZIM KINGSTON

IMO:                    9389693

Type:                   Fully cellular containership

Incident:             Loss of Containers & Fire – GA Declared


Further to our previous advices in relation to the loss of containers and fire on board the 2008 built, 40,030gt fully cellular containership ZIM KINGSTON it has been confirmed that Vessel is scheduled to arrive at Duke Point Terminal Nanaimo on Friday 10th December where damaged containers will be discharged.

It is anticipated that the Vessel will then move to a Vancouver container terminal for discharge of all remaining cargo.

As advised previously, Vessel Owners have declared General Average and have appointed Albatross Adjusters. Cargo owners will be required to provide General Average Guarantees before sound cargoes are released.

W.E. Cox have been appointed on behalf of a number of cargo interests and can assist in the provision of suitable security to ensure release of sound cargoes, as well as survey of damaged cargoes and pursuit of subrogation.

If you are aware of any involvement in this casualty and W E Cox Claims Group may be of assistance in any way, including provision of securities, arranging surveys, adjusting any potential losses &/or undertaking recovery action, please do not hesitate to contact us. As appropriate, please contact:

United Kingdom – Paul Friett cargoclaims@w-e-cox.co.uk

France – Marie-Laure Mirrione MarieLaureMirrione@w-e-cox.eu

Europe – John Jackson JohnJackson@cwhji.com

Hong Kong – Twinnie Lai   twinnie@ceemis.com.hk

Singapore – Paul Sansom  psansom@w-e-cox.com.sg

USA – Charles Droll  cdroll@w-e-cox.com

Australia – Niall Orr  norr@w-e-cox.com.au

If this or future casualty notices should be forwarded to any of your colleagues, we would be pleased to receive their contact details and we will add them to our Client List.

Increase in limits of liability for air carriage under the Montreal Convention with effect 28th December 2024 23/12/2024
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