Since our most recent Casualty Update, of 27th April 2018, we have continued to receive instructions to represent further cargo interests onboard MAERSK HONAM, for which we will be providing GA &/or LOF Salvage security, conducting surveys and pursuing recovery action.

We understand that Salvors will shortly be issuing an early security demand for 42.5% of the CIF value of the salved cargo (in Euros).

Whilst Salvage services are expected to continue for approximately a further ten days, after which the vessel will be moved alongside a berth in the port so that the cargo discharge operation can begin, this early demand is being generated to streamline the process of collecting Salvage security in view of the size and complexity of this case.

Salvors will, of course, reserve their right to increase or decrease the security demand after LOF services have terminated and the salved property has been redelivered.

If you have any involvement in this casualty, requiring provision of GA / LOF Salvage guarantees, cargo surveys &/or protection of rights of recovery, we would be pleased to add your interests to our portfolio.

As appropriate, please contact:

United Kingdom – Paul Friett

Hong Kong – Wendy Lee

Singapore – Paul Sansom

USA – Charles Droll

Australia – Robert Hammersley

If this or future casualty notices should be forwarded to any of your colleagues, we would be pleased to receive their contact details and we will add them to our Client List.

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