New Casualty – ZEPHYR I collision with GSL GRANIA

New Casualty - ZEPHYR I collision with GSL GRANIA



Incident Date:   27th September 2022

Vessel:                ZEPHYR I & GSL GRANIA

IMO:                    9255880 & 9285653

Type:                   Crude Oil Tanker & Fully Cellular Containership

Incident:             Collision


We have learned of a serious collision involving the Vessels ZEPHYR I, a Panama flagged, 2002 built, 59,719gt crude oil tanker and GSL GRANIA, a Liberia flagged, 2004 built, 83,133 fully cellular containership.

It is understood that both Vessels were sailing in an easterly direction in the Malacca Straights when the bow of the ZEPHYR I collided with the starboard side stern of the GSL GRANIA resulting in significant damage to both Vessels.

The ZEPHYR I was sailing to China with a cargo of bitumen whilst the 7,488teu GSL GRANIA which operates on the ZIM EM6 rotation was en-route from the USA to Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia.

Significant cargo damage and delays are anticipated and given the extent of the damage to both Vessels it is possible that General Average will be declared. If you are aware of any involvement in this casualty and W E Cox Claims Group may be of assistance in any way, including provision of securities, arranging surveys, adjusting any potential losses &/or undertaking recovery action, please do not hesitate to contact us. As appropriate, please contact:

United Kingdom – Paul Friett

France – Marie-Laure Mirrione

Europe – John Jackson

Hong Kong – Twinnie Lai

Singapore – Paul Sansom

USA – Charles Droll

Australia – Niall Orr

If this or future casualty notices should be forwarded to any of your colleagues, we would be pleased to receive their contact details and we will add them to our Client List.

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