We have learned of an incident involving a fire on board the vessel X-PRESS PEARL a Singapore flag, 2021 built, 32,000gt fully cellular containership, en route from Hazira, India, to Colombo, Sri Lanka, having previously called at Malaysia, Singapore, UAE and Qatar.
X-PRESS PEARL had arrived at Colombo anchorage on 19th May, laden with 1,486 containers, loaded with various goods, including nitric acid, other chemicals, and cosmetics.
The fire reportedly broke out as a result of a chemical reaction in the forepart of the ship, where containers carrying chemicals were stored and explosions were reported. Soon after the incident, two offshore patrol vessels, Sri Sagara, Sindurala, a fast attack craft, and a tug from the Sri Lanka Ports Authority were dispatched to engage in firefighting. It is understood that the fire is now under control but damage has yet to be assessed due to the residual heat, and the authorities are currently monitoring the situation.
W.E. Cox Claims Group has its surveyors and casualty team on hand to act on behalf of cargo interests. If we can be of assistance in providing securities, if applicable, arranging surveys, adjusting potential claims or undertaking recovery action, please do not hesitate to contact us.
As appropriate, please contact:
United Kingdom – Paul Friett cargoclaims@w-e-cox.co.uk
France – Marie-Laure Mirrione MarieLaureMirrione@w-e-cox.eu
Europe – John Jackson surveys@cwhji.com
Hong Kong – Twinnie Lai twinnie@ceemis.com.hk
Singapore – Paul Sansom psansom@w-e-cox.com.sg
USA – Charles Droll cdroll@w-e-cox.com
Australia – Niall Orr norr@w-e-cox.com.au
If this or future casualty notices should be forwarded to any of your colleagues, we would be pleased to receive their contact details and we will add them to our Client List.