We have learned of an incident involving the vessel “YANTIAN EXPRESS”, a Germany flag, 2002 built, 88,493 gt fully cellular container ship.

Having also called at Singapore and Colombo on a voyage from North East Asia, the Vessel was passing NE of Bermuda en route to Halifax, Canada, when a fire erupted in a container onboard, before spreading to other containers.

YANTIAN EXPRESS” reduced speed and changed course in an attempt to mitigate wind force and assist the crew’s firefighting efforts. At 1300 UTC 4th January, the ship was moving in a NE direction at some 7 knots speed, with firefighting apparently continuing.

If W E Cox Claims Group can be of any assistance in arranging surveys, appointing fire experts, adjusting potential losses, providing Salvage and/or General Average Security, or undertaking recovery action please do not hesitate to contact us.

As appropriate, please contact:

United Kingdom – Paul Friett
Hong Kong – Wendy Lee
Singapore – Paul Sansom
USA – Charles Droll Australia – Robert Hammersley

If this or future casualty notices should be forwarded to any of your colleagues, we would be pleased to receive their contact details and we will add them to our Client List.

Increase in limits of liability for air carriage under the Montreal Convention with effect 28th December 2024 23/12/2024
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