We have learned of an incident involving the vessel “NORDANA SOPHIE”, a 1999 built 7,659gt General Cargo Ship which we understand suffered water ingress at Vung Ang Anchorage, Vietnam, overnight 27th/28th November 2019.
It is understood that the Vessel had previously called at Japan, Philippines and Hong Kong and was destined for Vietnam when she suffered water ingress and a severe portside list. It is understood that the crew have evacuated the Vessel and that discussions are ongoing with potential Salvors.
W E Cox Claims Group are actively investigating the incident and if we can be of any assistance in arranging surveys, providing Guarantees, adjusting potential losses, or undertaking recovery action please do not hesitate to contact us.
As appropriate, please contact:
United Kingdom – Paul Friett cargoclaims@w-e-cox.co.uk
Europe – John Jackson – surveys@cwhji.com
Hong Kong – Wendy Lee wendy@ceemis.com.hk
Singapore – Paul Sansom psansom@w-e-cox.com.sg
USA – Charles Droll cdroll@w-e-cox.com
Australia – Niall Orr – norr@w-e-cox.com.au
If this or future casualty notices should be forwarded to any of your colleagues, we would be pleased to receive their contact details and we will add them to our Client List.