New Casualty - MSC CAPETOWN III - Fire / Explosion
Incident Date: 11th August 2024
Vessel: MSC Capetown III
IMO No. 9311737
Type: Fully Cellular Containership
Incident: Fire / Explosion
We have learned of an incident involving the vessel MSC Capetown III, a Portugal flag, 28911 gt, 2006 built, fully cellular containership, which experienced a fire at JCT 4 Jetty in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 11 August 2024. The Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) Fire Brigade successfully extinguished the fire, and all operations staff and crew were safely evacuated from the vessel. A spokesperson for the SLPA confirmed that the vessel completed the unloading and loading of containers and is now awaiting the completion of a survey to assess the extent of the damage as well as a local port authority investigation.
The fully cellular container vessel with a capacity of 2824 teu is managed by MSC and had previously called at Singapore and Malaysia. As a result of this incident it is highly likely that there will be delays to cargo delivery and cargo owners might be required to provide securities before delivery of cargo.
If you are aware of any involvement in this casualty and W E Cox Claims Group may be of assistance in any way, including provision of securities, arranging surveys, adjusting any potential losses &/or undertaking recovery action, please do not hesitate to contact us. As appropriate, please contact:
United Kingdom – Paul Friett
France – Marie-Laure Mirrione
Europe – John Jackson
Hong Kong – Twinnie Lai
Singapore – Paul Sansom
USA – Joshua Gayer
Australia – Niall Orr
If this or future casualty notices should be forwarded to any of your colleagues, we would be pleased to receive their contact details and we will add them to our Client List.