We have received the following new casualty report.
A fire broke out on the FRONT ALTAIR following an explosion.
The crew have abandoned the vessel and are understood to be safe.
At the time of the incident, the vessel was at the southern end of the Strait of Hormuz, enroute from Ruwais, UAE, to Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
The vessel was loaded with a cargo of around 75,000MT of Naphtha at the time of the incident.
The shipowners have hired professional salvors under the Lloyd’s Standard Form of Salvage Agreement or LOF, as it is commonly known.
The above incident may give rise to salvage, general average (GA) and recovery issues.
We can assist in the complete handling of this matter including pursuing recovery for any losses suffered.
If you have insured cargo onboard any of the above vessels and would like us to assist you, we suggest that you contact us as soon as possible so that we can start taking steps to protect your interests.
As appropriate, please contact:
Australia – Robert Hammersley rhammersley@w-e-cox.com.au
USA – Charles Droll cdroll@w-e-cox.com
Hong Kong – Wendy Lee wendy@ceemis.com.hk
United Kingdom – Paul Friett cargoclaims@w-e-cox.co.uk
Singapore – Paul Sansom psansom@w-e-cox.com.sg
If this or future casualty notices should be forwarded to any of your colleagues, we would be pleased to receive their contact details and we will add them to our Client List.